
Information on the processing of personal data

DR. FELIX HAIR IMPLANT SRL, based in Bucharest, Str. Hip. Dumitru Minca 29B, Sector 4, telephone +40749.260.204, +40720.254.368, email address office@drfelix.ro, J40 / 8383/2018, CIF 39484453, (hereinafter, “the Company”), may offer, free of charge, online consultations through the site www.drfelixhairimplant.ro administered by the Company (hereinafter “Site”), to those who suffer from alopecia and request such a consultation, on which occasion the Company collects and processes personal data.

Also, by accessing the Site, the Company provides you with the communication channel through which you can make an appointment for a consultation, at the Clinic’s headquarters, offered by specialist doctors, and / or to request the provision of Medical Services.

The purpose of this information is to help you understand the personal data processed by the Company, for what purposes we may process them and what your rights and obligations are.

The processing of personal data by the Company in the course of its activity is carried out in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (‘the General Data Protection Regulation’).

For any additional information and ambiguities you can contact Mrs. Ionescu Liana Veronica, at the phone number +40720.107.241 or at the email address office@drfelix.ro.

We may change this information at any time, but any significant changes to you will be notified to you as soon as possible.

Clinic: Dr. Felix Hair Implant hair implant / transplant clinic located in Bucharest, Sos. Nordului nr. 98K, Sector 1.
Processing: means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or personal data sets, with or without the use of automated means such as collecting, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting or modifying, extracting , consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction.
Medical Services: the services presented in Annex no. 1 to the Medical Services Contract concluded between the Company, as the provider, and you, as the beneficiary, including but not limited to the hair transplant procedure.

A. What personal data can we collect

1. name and surname;
2. telephone, email address (n.s., if it includes first and last name);
3. photographs of the capillary area and / or facial area;
4. health data (for example: baldness, previous interventions, known chronic diseases, ongoing treatments, allergies);
5. other personal data (for example, image and / or voice captured in audio-video recordings, testimonials).

B. From where we can collect personal data

Directly from you or, as the case may be, from another person who justifies an interest or is authorized by law, the data indicated in Section A, in particular:
1. by completing and submitting the Online Consultation Form available on the Site in the Online Consultation Section or by completing and submitting a message through the communication channel provided in the Contact Section of the Site;
2. on the basis of your consent, by signing an agreement.

C. The purposes for which we may process personal data and the legal basis for the processing

The company may process the personal data collected, in particular:
1. to provide you with the requested online consultation free of charge and to answer your questions and requests for information;
2. with your consent, by signing an agreement, exclusively to promote the FUE implant method through the Site.

D. Recipients / categories of recipients of personal data

The company may disclose, make available and transfer personal data collected, in particular to the following recipients / categories of recipients:
1. the associations and the management bodies of the Company, its employees with competences in offering online consultations, as well as those with attributions in the socio-administrative field;
2. the provider of web hosting and site administration services;
3. personal and legal data protection consultants;
4. authorities, institutions and public bodies, in compliance with the relevant legal provisions;
5. if ownership or control of all or part of the Company changes as a result of a merger, acquisition or sale of assets to the new owner;
6. when we have your consent, to any natural and legal person approved.

E. The periods for which the personal data will be stored or the criteria used to establish this period

Personal data may be stored for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data are processed, as follows:
1. the data of the type indicated in Section A, points 1-4 for a period of 60 working days from the date of collection of this data, when the Company offered, free of charge, online consultations;
2. data of the type indicated in Section A, point 5, processed on the basis of consent until its withdrawal exclusively to promote the FUE implant method through the Site, for a period of 3 years from the withdrawal of consent or from fulfillment of the term for which the right of processing was granted;
3. pending the final settlement of legal proceedings, if the expiry of any storage period specified in point 1-2 of this section occurs during the settlement of the proceedings.

F. Other rights

You may exercise your right of access, rectification, deletion and restriction of the processing of personal data concerning you, as well as the right to oppose the processing of data for the legitimate interests of the Company under the General Data Protection Regulation, in the manner set out in the introductory part of this information.

The company will respond to you within 30 days from the first business day of the month following that in which your request was received.

If you are dissatisfied with our answer, you have the right to submit a complaint or complaint to the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing (ANSPDCP), at the address: Bd. G-ral Gheorghe Magheru 28-30, sector 1, code postal 010336, Bucharest, fax: 031 805 9602, e-mail: anspdcp@dataprotection.ro.
Where applicable, the Company will inform you, without undue delay, of any breach of the security of the personal data concerning you collected in connection with the provision of online consultations, where such breach is likely to pose a high risk to your rights and freedoms. .
Personal data about you is not subject to a decision based solely on automatic processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects that affect or similarly affect you to a significant extent.

G. Security

The company uses advanced security methods and technologies, together with strict policies applied to employees and work procedures, to respect and protect the personal data processed and to ensure their security. The Company also uses a secure, encrypted Internet connection to prevent interception (https).
The server on which your data is currently stored is located in Romania, Bucharest.

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